Day Z Friends - Server Mods

Mods Installed on the Server

Explore the mods enhancing your gameplay experience on our server.


Vanilla combination locks suck; protect your base with a code lock and never get raided again.


The NCPR mod collection adds a whole bunch of crafting recipes to enhance your survival experience.

Dayz Expansion

Expansion extends Day Z beyond anything it once was, from groups to air drops, new vehicles, and territories!

Base Building Plus

Enhance your base building with Base Building Plus, DayZ's most popular base building mod!

RaG Vehicle Pack

Added vehicles which are available to buy at the trader!

SNAFU Weapons

New weapons which enhance your gameplay!

Teddy's Weapon Pack

A collection of new weapons to enhance your arsenal.

Cannabis Plus

Grow weed to sell at the trader!

Red Falcon Loot Crates

Find these across the map with rewards in them!

Car Key Slot

Never lose a key again; keep it in its own dedicated slot.

Autolock Vehicles

Protects your vehicle by locking it when you are too far away from it.

DayZ Dog

Get your very own dog in DayZ.

RaG Hunting Cabin

Create your own hunting cabin to use as a base!

Windstride Clothing

Find new clothes to help protect you from the elements.

Rare Animals

Discover rare animals across the map, adding to the richness of the ecosystem!

Docs Animals

Bringing more wildlife to the world of DayZ.